Vademecum maintenance Pomodone furniture

Furniture maintenance

How to wash?

All you need is a neutral soap, a microfibre cloth and a water pump. It is very simple: wet the Pomodone with the water pump; soap the desired part with a neutral soap; rub; and finally rinse carefully. Allow to dry naturally.

Is the fabric removable?


  1. Our Pouf line products are not removable; the polystyrene is emptied directly into the bag, allowing the polystyrene microspheres to move freely to create a comfortable relaxation, thus demonstrating the strength and quality of our fabrics.
  2. Mat and fabric line (from the pallet mattress to the folding mattress) is totally removable to give the possibility at the end of the season to be washed and dryed carefully.

Do they tend to loose color?

NOT. Our products do not fade. Fabrics are made of 100% dyed acrylic with high tenacity and have an excellent resistance to UV rays. This also applies to all items made of nautical eco-leather. Therefore we guarantee both the solidity of the colors and the 100% impermeability.

Where and how to use it?

Whether it’s the beach, the garden, on a boat or in the snow, comfort is never an option. It is an extremely versatile article and expresses the new concept of relaxation. There are no rules for use depends on your imagination and your need for comfort. In deck position, sunbed, armchair, at the beach or at home, at work or on holiday, the versatility of this comfort instrument has no limits.

Pomodone goes to the water?

NOT. Pomodone is waterproof but can not be used in water. To meet the needs of our customers we have therefore created a line dedicated to the use of the product in water, whether it is the sea, in a swimming pool or a lake. Floating seats in fact is made with Pomodone fabrics but at the base has applied a nautical network that allows water to enter and then drain away.